The Energy Networks Association (ENA), as the peak national body for Australia’s energy network businesses, welcomed the election of the Hon Julia Gillard MP as Australia’s first ever female Prime Minister.
The ENA wrote to the Prime Minister offering its congratulations and said it looks forward to working closely with her Government in what is a critical time for the energy network industry.
“ENA members are facing a fundamental change in the way they operate their business and meet the challenges of increased demand, energy efficiency and climate change,” the ENA states.
“ENA looks forward to the Government’s continued co-operation and support in working with ENA and its members to create a more effective, efficient and smarter energy network that can address today’s challenges and have the ability to adapt to the challenges of tomorrow.”
The ENA said the energy network industry has appreciated Ms Gillard’s efforts to improve skills and training for its sector under her previous portfolio. In particular, ENA welcomed the 2009 announcement of the Green Skills initiative which aimed to introduce environmental awareness training into apprenticeships.
ENA also welcomed the more recent announcement in May of the $300 million investment in a Critical Skills Investment Fund, an extension of the Apprentice Kickstart Program and a move to smarter apprenticeships. The ENA now awaits the release of the Energy Efficiency Task Group Report.